Package javax0.repl

Interface LocalConsole

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BufferedReaderConsole, ConsoleConsole

    public interface LocalConsole
    This is a local interface that defines a subset of the functionalities of the system console. This functionality is always available for commands through the CommandEnvironment.console(). There are two implementations of this interface in this project. One uses the system console and the code uses that implementation when the console is available. The other one uses and out when the console is not available. This is the case when the application is stated from an environment that is not the OS command line.
    • Method Detail

      • readLine

        java.lang.String readLine​(java.lang.String msg)
        Read a line from the console. This is not to be used by the commands only in case of special situations.
        msg - the message printed to the consule as a special prompt.
        the line read
      • writer writer()
        the print writer to the console.